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Relevant Courses

Relevant Computer Science Courses

CS330 Object Orient Program/Design

The techniques, idioms, and design patterns of object-oriented programming. Methods of object-oriented analysis and design with the Unified Modeling Language. Multi-thread programs, synchronization, and graphic user interfaces.

CS361 Advanced Data Structure and Algorithms

Common abstract data types, including vectors, lists, stacks, queues, sets, maps, heaps, and graphs. Standard Java interfaces for these ADTs. Iterators and generics. Choosing data structures and algorithms to implement ADTs, via analysis of their time and space complexity. 

CS350 Intro to Software Engineering

An exploration of the software development process, with an emphasis on the tools and techniques that support project teams. Topics include: software development process models, requirements, automated testing, documentation, build, version and configuration management, issue tracking, and agile methods. The course requires each student to participate as a member of a project team and to demonstrate proficiency with a variety of development tools.

CS381 Intro to Discrete Structures

Topics include propositional and predicate logic, rules of inference, methods of proof, set operations, functions, complexity of algorithms, growth of functions, induction, counting, relations, equivalence relations and graphs.

CS355 Principles of Programming Languages

Survey of significant features of programming languages. Language types including imperative, functional, logical, and object-oriented are covered. Concepts include lexical and syntactic analysis, type systems, flow control, modularity, and parallel programming. Small programs in several languages required.

CS390 Intro-Theoretical Computer Science

Elementary study of theoretical aspects of computer science. Topics in formal languages and automata theory are covered including regular languages, regular expressions, finite automata, context-free languages, pushdown automata, grammars, Turing machines, and unsolvable problems.

CS410 Professional Workforce Development I

Provides students with challenges of business environments in developing a technology based project. Students identify a societal problem, identify solutions, define project solutions, develop project objectives, conduct feasibility analysis, establish organizational group structure to meet project objectives and develop formal specifications. Students make formal technical project presentations and develop web documentation. Students prepare a draft grant proposal.

CS417 Computational Methods and Software

Algorithms and software for fundamental problems in scientific computing. Topics: properties of floating point arithmetic, linear systems of equations, matrix factorizations, stability of algorithms, conditioning of problems, least-squares problems, eigenvalue computations, numerical integration and differentiation, nonlinear equations, iterative solution of linear systems. 

CS411W Professional Workforce Development II

Students write professional and non-technical documents and continue the development of the project defined in CS 410. Written work is reviewed and returned for corrective rewriting. Students will design and develop a project prototype, and demonstrate the prototype to a formal panel along with delivering the formal product specifications and a draft formal grant proposal. This is a writing intensive course.

CS471 Operating Systems

Operating system structures. Multiprogramming and multiprocessing. Process management. Memory and other resource management. Storage management, I/O systems, distributed systems. Protection and security. The concepts will be illustrated through example systems such as Unix and Windows.

Relevant Cybersecurity Courses

CS462 Cybersecurity Fundamentals

Introduction to networking and the Internet protocol stack; Vulnerable protocols such as HTTP, DNS, and BGP; Overview of wireless communications, vulnerabilities, and security protocols; Introduction to cryptography; Discussion of cyber threats and defenses; Firewalls and IDS/IPS; Kerberos; Transport Layer Security, including certificates; Network Layer Security.

PHIL 355E Cybersecurity Ethics

This course examines ethical issues relevant to computing and information technology, including: privacy; freedom of speech and content control on the Internet; individual and social responsibility; cybersecurity; cybercrimes; social impact of computers and other digital technologies; and ethical obligations of IT professionals. Students will gain a broad understanding of central issues in cyberethics and the ways that fundamental ethical theories relate to these core issues.

CYSE300 Intro to Cybersecurity

This course provides an overview of the field of cybersecurity. It covers core cybersecurity topics including computer system architectures, critical infrastructures, cyber threats and vulnerabilities, cryptography, information assurance, network security, and risk assessment and management. Students are expected to become familiar with fundamental security concepts, technologies and practices, and develop a foundation for further study in cybersecurity.

CYSE301 Cyber Techniques and Operation

This course introduces tools and techniques used to secure and analyze large computer networks and systems. Students will explore and map networks using a variety of diagnostic software tools, learn advanced packet analysis, configure firewalls, write intrusion detection rules, perform forensic investigation, and practice techniques for penetration testing.

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